Five steps to fitness success

Despite what you might see on TV infomercials or in newspaper ads, there is no magic bullet or miracle pill that will get you fit overnight. No matter what any glamorous hard-body spokesperson says about the newest “revolutionary” exercise machine, diet, or supplementation program- the fact is that achieving fitness success takes time and energy. You can bet that the spokesperson did not get his or her physique by using the “new, amazing de-fat-alizer” machine for 30 seconds a day! He or she is undoubtedly engaged in a fitness program that includes sensible diet and lots of exercise.

On the other hand, we believe that achieving fitness success is well within everyone’s reach. This article will provide you with powerful, effective steps you can take RIGHT NOW that will jump-start your fitness program and get you on track to fitness success.


1. Make Changes TODAY!

2. Decide & Commit

3. Define Goals

4. Design Your Road Map

5. Feel Good!

Step 1: Make Changes TODAY!

Achieving FITNESS SUCCESS is all about making consistent incremental improvements over time. Like the power of compounding interest, implementing even small improvements can result in a cumulative snow-balling effect that generates momentum, enthusiasm and results!

There are specific, immediate changes you can make that will deliver meaningful results:


It sounds obvious, but it’s truly amazing how much potential is in this simple step. Park at the far end of the parking lot; take the stairs instead of the elevator; chase your grandchildren around. Our bodies were built for movement, and the simple act of moving more is a great way to start your fitness program. Walking is a vastly underrated form of exercise. So is dancing!


You’ll hear different target quantities from different experts, but a good rule of thumb is to drink 8 glasses of water per day. It’s a good practice to drink a glass ½ hour before and after meals. Substituting water for less healthy drinks (like soda) will cut calories and reduce intake of artificial flavoring, coloring, etc. Also, increasing water intake will help curb your appetite.


Studies have shown that our bodies operate more efficiently when we spread our food intake our over five or six smaller meals per day, versus the three larger meals to which we’ve become accustomed. And what grandma told you about eating your vegetables was right on target! Most Americans do not consume enough fruits and vegetables regularly. It’s surprisingly easy to shrink the size of meals when you increase your water intake and include more fruits and vegetables.


Another simple yet very powerful tip! Whether you go “all the way” and actually maintain a log of everything you eat, or simply try to do a mental recap periodically during the day, this is a great way to manage your diet. For example, when you get ready to eat dinner, doing a quick review of what you’ve eaten so far that day will help you make intelligent menu choices.


Flexibility is a very important component of overall fitness. A daily routine of basic stretches can greatly improve your mobility in a very short period of time. Just remember: stretching movements should be gentle and gradual, and never jerky or bouncy.

Once you’ve made the simple lifestyle changes listed above, you will begin building the positive momentum that will empower you to move aggressively toward your fitness goals!


It’s not about big, sweeping changes: the fact is you CAN NOT become fit in one day. But you can decide TODAY to make a commitment to incremental, consistent improvement that will get you on track IMMEDIATELY.

Step 2: Decide to Take Better Care of Yourself

You probably know someone who has experienced health problems that could have been avoided if the person had taken better care of him or herself. How many times have you resolved to begin taking better care of yourself?

But what does that mean?

Ask virtually anyone what it means to “take better care of yourself”, and undoubtedly you’ll hear something like “Get more exercise and eat sensibly”. Everyone seems to know that exercise is important to overall health and well-being, and is a big part of taking better care of yourself. We’ve all seen the reports on TV, in magazines, on the internet: it’s an irrefutable fact that people of all ages and fitness levels can reap compelling physical and psychological benefits by engaging in a sensible exercise regimen.

So…Why are so many people neglecting to engage in an exercise program, when they KNOW that this behavior will improve their health, appearance, attitude, and overall quality of life?

The answer is simple. They have not yet DECIDED TO TAKE BETTER CARE OF THEMSELVES.

You already know many good reasons to begin an exercise program. You have probably heard (or even used!) at least one of the most common excuses for not beginning a fitness program:

“I don’t have enough time”. (probably the number 1 excuse)

“I won’t feel comfortable working out with a bunch of “hard-bodies”.

“It’s too expensive”.

Let’s BUST these mythical excuses right now!

“I don’t have enough time”.

There are plenty of busy people who are fit, and plenty of fit people who are busy. The fact is that people who DECIDE to make the time, make the time. It’s hard to imagine there are many things in your life more important than your physical well-being, which is what enables you to enjoy all other aspects of your life.

“I won’t feel comfortable working out with a bunch of “hard-bodies”.

This is an easy one. If you’re not comfortable working out in any particular health club, THEN DON’T! There are so many different venues in which you can exercise that you are certain to find the right one with a little homework. See “Should I Join a Health Club”.

“It’s too expensive”.

The expense associated with a fitness program can vary from a multi-thousand dollar investment in home exercise equipment to a zero-cost program that includes walking, jogging and/or calisthenics. If you decide to join a health club, or seek out the services of a personal trainer, then there are of course associated costs. But once again, there are many health clubs with varying fee structures. Do some comparison shopping!

Consider the following:

a) What is the ROI (return on investment) for an effective fitness program? How much is it worth to you to improve your overall health and wellness; to have more energy and stamina; to feel better? What is the long-term price of NOT engaging in a fitness program?

b) What constitutes “expensive”? A health club costing $60 per month breaks out to roughly $14 per week. That’s something like $3 per workout, or what most people spend on coffee every day.

c) Perhaps you fall into a category that qualifies for a discount at a local health club. For example, many clubs have discount membership programs for seniors, employees of local companies (“Corporate Memberships”), referral discounts, etc. Again, doing a little homework can really pay off!

Now it’s just a matter of making the decision that you will Take Better Care of Yourself. That means making a commitment to take action.


We’re using the word “commitment” here for a reason. The dictionary defines “Commitment” as “an agreement or pledge to do something in the future”. A commitment is a PROMISE. We’re talking about making a promise to yourself that you will begin taking better care of yourself. And nothing is as gratifying as fulfilling a promise!

Step 3: Define Your Fitness Goals

Start with YOUR definition of fitness. What does it mean to you? It could be reaching and maintaining a more healthy body weight. It could be lowering your blood pressure, gaining lean muscle mass, or being able to walk a brisk mile without getting overly winded. Your goal could be being fit enough to carry your grandson up the stairs. For some, it’s bench-pressing 400 lbs. or running a marathon. It doesn’t matter.

Define what you want out of a fitness program.

It might be helpful to talk to people you know who are already actively engaged in exercise, or to have an assessment consultation with a Personal Trainer/Fitness Specialist at a local health club.

Make sure your goals are realistic, but don’t be afraid to challenge yourself. Keep in mind that fitness is REALLY about one thing: feeling better!

So, when you define your goal, be sure to think about how reaching this goal will make you feel physically, mentally and emotionally. That will make the goal feel more “real”, and give you a motivational tool you can use throughout your fitness journey.

Hard vs. Soft goals:

It really pays to establish “hard” goals. That is, goals that are as specific and measurable as possible.

“Soft” goals on the other hand are more vague and general.

For example…

Soft Goal:

I want to get in shape. (how will you measure your success? What does “in shape” mean?)

Measurable, Specific Goal:

By June 30th, I want to lose 10 lbs, and increase my endurance to the point where I can jog two miles without stopping.

Setting specific fitness goals is also a great motivator, because you can track your success and see progress as you move toward your goal.

Step 4: Lay Out Your Road Map

You’ve decided to make a real commitment to take action, and to start taking better care of yourself. AND you’ve taken the next important step by defining your fitness goals.

For many people, those first steps are the most difficult. It’s important to understand that without a real commitment (Step 2) and clearly-defined goals (Step 3), there is no way to develop a plan. That would be like building a house without a blue-print!

But once you’ve completed these crucial steps, you are ready to develop your road map.

Your fitness road map must answer the BIG THREE questions:

What is my goal (where am I going?)

What is my plan (how do I get there?)

How to I track progress (how do I tell where am I now?)

It is absolutely critical that you lay out a road map that addresses these BIG THREE questions. The road map should outline the actual exercise routines to be performed, the scheduling of workouts, and a procedure for measuring progress at prescribed intervals.

The best approach is to start with a high-level outline, and then fill in details as you gather information. The outline should include:

workout frequency (e.g. 4 times per week)

approximate mix of flexibility, strength and cardio training (based on goals)

actual exercise programs (*)

check points (e.g. weigh-ins every 3 weeks)

The more specific you are in this planning phase, the BETTER your chances for success!

(*) There are many sources for help in designing your exercise program. Workout programs are available over the internet or in book stores. Our best advice is: GET HELP. Whether it’s from a fitness-minded friend or trained professional at a health club, by getting skilled assistance you can easily build a road map that includes enough variation to ward of the potential boredom of a fixed routine.

Also consider whether you’d like to enlist someone as a workout partner. Some people find it motivating to have a partner; it might even occasionally “guilt” you into working out when you know your partner is counting on you. And two heads are usually better than one!

Once you have your road map, you can determine what workout venues will make sense. Depending on your goals, there may be several effective paths for you to follow. You might join a walking club, or sign up for dance lessons. You might begin an independent exercise program at home, or join a friend who jogs regularly.

Remember: You should consult your physician before beginning an exercise regimen.

Step 5: Feel Good!

Fitness is, above all, about FEELING GOOD!

Once you have designed a fitness road map, the best way to succeed is to enjoy the challenge. Our bodies WANT to be fit! And once you start your program, you will feel the exhilaration that comes when you get moving.

Nothing is more motivating than knowing that you’ve defined a goal, have an action plan, and are WORKING YOUR PLAN. While you’re working your plan, always remember to:

Enjoy the ride

Track progress

Set challenging new goals for yourself.

That last point is important: you’re not “done” when your reach your goals. Fitness is not a destination, it’s a lifestyle. So, when you reach a goal, congratulate yourself and raise the bar!

You’ll find that you will look forward to workout days, and even on those rare occasions when you have to “force” yourself to work out, you’ll be glad you did. Enjoying the ride is the biggest key to success in fitness.


It’s also important to mix in some patience with your enthusiasm. You might miss a workout or two, or get side-tracked for a week. This happens to even the most dedicated fitness devotees. If and when you slip, or your progress slows, it’s important to remember how much long-term benefit you will get from your fitness program. And even after a “slip up”, nothing feels better than getting right back on track.


By following the FIVE STEPS TO FITNESS SUCCESS, you can realize IMMEDIATE improvements in your overall fitness jump-start your journey toward your fitness goals ENJOY getting the most out of your fitness program



1) Make Changes TODAY!

2) Decide & Commit

3) Define Goals

4) Design Your Road Map

5) Feel Good!

Pete Bellisano is a certified personal trainer and owner of Peak Performance Fitness in Berkeley Heights NJ. Peak clients are achieving outstanding results losing weight and improving overall fitness, through our unique approach to Fitness For Real People. Visit our site to see what our clients have to say about their success, and to pick up your free fitness info.

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The Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself – rental of quality fitness instructor

Why invest in a coach of Fitness Will Save You time, effort and money in the long run.?

For those interested in results of quality fitness, fitness coach only is the right way to go.

For those who want to waste your time with ineffective methods, a fitness coach is not the solution for you.

On the other hand, if you are one of the many people who want to improve your fitness level without losing valuable time and resources, a fitness coach is the right choice.

The benefits of a fitness coach

A period longer than the benefits of the use of a fitness coach carrera.Algunos criminal rap sheet fitness coaching benefits include:

1. You will receive exclusive knowledge of suitability of the person who is an expert on the subject.

2 Receives access to invaluable assistance that will help you achieve your fitness goals.

3. The recruitment of a fitness coach allows you to focus on the effective exercise and not planning fitness.

4. Finally, a fitness trainer lets you learn ways how to keep the body that are trying to achieve.

If these are not sufficient to convince to hire a personal trainer, might not be as interested in improving your fitness.

Giving the gift of personal fitness best himself is one of the best gifts you can receive, you should reward yourself today by employing the services of your local fitness coach.

Free fitness tips

A great advantage of having a personal fitness trainer is that he or she will have many tips to help you achieve a higher degree of fitness fitness.

If you are trying to achieve better skills on their own, most likely lack knowledge about important fitness tips to help you achieve the desired level of fitness.Speak with a trainer of fitnes and find out they have these special fitness tips.

Benefit # 1: Fitness assistance

Another positive reason for having a personal fitness trainer is that you will have access to assistance from fitness.muchas people simply lack the knowledge on how to exercise correctamente.Al set a meeting with local personal fitness trainer, you can get access to someone who can help you properly in all aspects of your exercise Regiment.

Benefit # 2: Fitness is to exercise, not planning

By hiring a fitness coach, can allow him or her schedule personal.Haciendo fitness plan this, you can concentrate on exercise those pounds off, while his fitness coach will inform about how hacerlo.Usted will not have to think about what kind of exercises will have to do to achieve the desired results.

Benefit # 3: Maintain fitness Council helped to achieve

Perhaps what the majority of people who strive with then achieve a higher level of competence is that will return to their old ways simply because they lack knowledge about how to keep your new and improved body in forma.Su personal trainer can give you the inside tips on how to keep your body looking great, even years after you hired fitness coach.

Call your today local fitness coach

What are you waiting for? if you are reading this article, you are probably interested in improving their level of best fitness.La way, certainly improve your physical condition is calling your local gym today and schedule a meeting with a fitness coach.

By doing this, you taking the first step to enhanced fitness.

Zach Hunt is a Spokane Fitness expert, personal trainer and owner of Physzique, a service as coach of fitness in Spokane, Washington.Vaya here: Personal Trainer Spokane Personal Trainer to get more fitness tips.

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Join Club fitness 24 – best way of preserving the Fit

If you want to have and maintain a healthy of Mansa, a good club, gym or health body can offer a variety of equipment and services to help you achieve your goals. But remember that not all fitness clubs are equal.

Want a club fitness which has more of your money in cash. It should be fully committed to the health and quality of service to see positive results as quickly as possible. It should offer a professional personnel informed that can guide you through your workouts and show you how to use new equipment.And it should offer a variety of programs that focus on different aspects of health and fitness.Tener professional nutritionist about staff, is another important feature to look for.

A health and fitness club you can count on is by 24 hour fitness, with have five types of clubs for your unique needs. The Ultra Sport club offers all the comforts and is configured for each type of training you can imagine, basketball and volleyball to saunas and spas. You can even approach your climbing skills. There are club a child, by which you won’t need to hire a Baby Sitter and full juice diet health bar. After training, you can get a wonderful massage or visit a tanning booth. Super Sport Club of 24 hour fitness include many of the same services, massage or climbing rock.Similar to the Super Sport, Sport Club can not offer curtido.El type of active club focuses on the core – training, training cardio, sauna, steam bath and a weight children club. Finally, Fitlite club offers a complete cardio workout and some kinds of group.

In operation since 1983, 24 Hour Fitness is the largest chain of property private fitness center and operated the world clubs over 385. For years, have maintained a specialized personnel to help its customers get the most out of your exercise program, and using qualified nutritionists to complement the work with great advice on food should – and should – do not eat.

Signing up a new club only to find that they have incomplete installations and gaps in its range of computers is a real disappointment and loss of time and money.You will not be disappointed with 24 hour fitness.Maintain state-of-the-art for every need of entrenamiento.Nunca fitness equipment you will need to stop training, because the computer was broken, and you don’t have to wait until a machine is available for the exercise you need.

Offer classes in Group and team sports facilities to help you learn new skills and enjoy your friends at the same time. 24 Hour Gymnastics classes cover a wide range of interests of exercise, pilates, strength training, aerobics, yoga and agua.Su training sessions instructor worldwide computer includes more than 7,000 professionals and 24 Hour Fitness keeps them on the latest techniques by offering training for trainers group.

You can choose from a wide range of types of membership to meet your schedule and your budget on 24 Hour Fitness.Cuatro types of all club memberships give privileges installations worldwide, and three different uno-club options allow savings, great workouts and fitness short term programs.

Since they have facilities around the world, travellers will want to take advantage of the Passport, where you can other private as part of your membership in the 24-hour gym fitness centers training program.All you need is your ID Passport of 24 hour fitness and a reasonable for a great workout in the facilities of any Passport program member fee.

In 2000, 24 Hour Fitness made a daring when entered into partnerships with five athletes worldwide famous the Defender fitness and fitness to a way of life for all of us.Represents the values of qualities 24 Hour Fitness (determination, hard work, persistence and a positive attitude), these super sports stars models to follow and the test the benefits of exercise and healthy living.Lance Armstrong, Shaquille or ‘ Neal, Magic Johnson, Andre Agassi, Jackie Chan signed represent 24 Hour Fitness and conduct the healthy people.

In 2004, 24 Hour Fitness became the first official Team USA, offering subsidies to assist applicants to pursue Olympic Olympic fitness center sponsor and updating all the commitment to good health país.Su Olympic training centers is evident.

His training at 24 Hour Fitness will be fun, easy and rewarding personalmente.Encontrará a wide range of options for exercise equipment, full modern facilities and amenities and a team of professionals to help you achieve your goals in record time.

If you are buying for a club of health, which due to yourself to check out 24 Hour Fitness.

Abhishek is a Health And Fitness expert and got some great fitness secrets your sleeve! download your eBook for free 111 pages, “Complete Body Fitness” your website only limited free copies available.

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Part 1 – the road to success of fitness – the Fit share a secret!

There are a small minority of people who consistently reach, if not exceed, their suitability, goals of health and physical.


Enjoy a high level of fitness… enabling them to make many things bienEjemplifican health… and a better quality of life live set the standard for an attractive body… making them the envy of others… and you want to be part of this group, or that could not be reading this.

How can someone joining this small minority? Yep!

Should you be “genetically gifted”? Nop!

When can you start?Now!

Is there really a parallel to our operating secret world?

When we see people with physical abilities, the force and beauty we wish that we could have, we believe…

“You know that something that I do not know”.”” They are keeping the best for themselves. “””If only that let me her secret, I got too!”Many people believe that there is a secret of the success of fitness… and they are right!

I’m going to unveil the secret of the success of fitness… allowing all their past failures to make sense and the “answer” you have been looking for to be revealed before your eyes.

I ‘ m Going To Let You In on the secret, but be Forewarned! secrets are often hidden in normal view… and people do not see them because they are so obvious, or refuse to see them because they want to believe something else.

People are exposed to the “secret” to success of fitness every day… but miss it or deliberately avoid acknowledge the truth.

When someone “who knows” reveals the secret, most people say…”I knew that it is just common sense”.

Unfortunately, when people say “Know”, it really means is “should have known”.

Because, if you knew the secret of the success of fitness and not being taken advantage of it… well, it is simply stupid.

The secret of the success of fitness

Those who are successful in obtaining a high level of fitness, improve health and the development of a physical attraction that all have one thing in common… conscious or unconsciously “know” the secret of the success of fitness.

Some people apply naturally… without any thought.

Most people have to apply it with conscious effort… until it becomes automatic.

But nobody becomes the best of may be wrongly… nobody!

And the secret of the success of fitness…

You are only responsible for its successful fitness!

Genetics is not responsible of are… No… responsible for secret exercises are not responsible for gym membership… are not responsible for Magic diets… latest machines are not responsible… personal coaches are not responsible…You are only responsible for its successful fitness!

You have the power to successfully raise your fitness level, improve health, and create your body better… now, this very second!

All you have to do is access the power by…

wishing success of fitness…Learn how to get…apply what you learn… and not stop wanting to, learning and applying processed until you have success!

Each person successfully before it has followed this pattern… and if continues it, you will succeed too!

“I Knew That… Is Just Common Sense”

I knew that it was going to say!

How can I say that something “common sense” is a secret?

Because this “secret” was hidden in such a view probably never thought correctly or actually applied… therefore still was a “secret” for you.

Do not discount the secret of the success of fitness because it feels that you already knew it … take us time now to fully understand that and will change your life!

Understand and succeed… waste and error!

There is now a part of you that are feeling the power of this “secret”, perhaps for the first time.

Applying it… you will succeed!

However, there is another part of you, perhaps a larger portion, not believed that this really is the secret of the success of fitness.

Since the previous “secret” means an investment of time and energy.

These believers stubbornly held theory actually there is an easy way to get in shape, healthy and attractive without an investment of time and energy… and I am having on them.

Will continue their search for the “get-fit-quick-and-easy-miracle”… bouncing of failure of one another until you finally give in.

In addition, believers start a journey with a common destiny… fitness, health, and attractive body deserve! most popular test reject this “secret”

The desire to be safe, healthy and attractive is a primal urge to… is a pruritus which should simply be scratched.

It is largely responsible for our survival for thousands of years.

It would so I think it is safe to say we are all rather be fit, healthy and attractive… that does not fit, unhealthy and unattractive.

And if you…

have a burning desire to become the best that can be… learning products that get results… apply what you learn, putting in the time and effort… and never stop wanting to learn and apply until you improves…You can improve your physical fitness, health, and the physique!

It “s it’s that simple!

So if you all want to fitness, health, and a physical attraction… why so few people have the following characteristics?

Simple, most people who refuse to believe the secret of the success of fitness… and is tending to something better.

They deny responsibility for your fitness success… and spend their time and energy excuses and blame todo-bajo – the-sun for their failure.

You will accept nothing less than a faster, easier, and magic path for successful fitness, health and the physical.

Do not make any significant long-term progress while responsibility accepts few, wanting to, learn, and apply… are happening to her around!

What will you be?

In part 2, I’ll tell you how to become a conspirator fitness secret.

Coach Lomax, founder and President of the network optimum fitness, LLC has earned a reputation for creating and recommend resources fitness that get resultados.Para view its growing network of fitness sites, go to the best workouts at home their best selling ebook training without weights – system of progression of Calisthenic Bodyweight training you will learn how to make, feel and look your best without expensive equipment or expensive gym membership.

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Is an affordable fitness race?

Everyone who is interested in a career fitness wants first to know if you can really make money on it. Doing what he loves one person and be well paid because it is the ultimate goal that must treat a person.

Most fitness careers are occupied by people who love training. does, however, the big question is can fitness enthusiasts benefit from success in the fitness industry?

The overwhelming answer is Yes! You have many great opportunities for nonprofit actually doing something to love in the form of a race of fitness.

So when it comes racing fitness, what exactly does that mean?First, please understand that working in the business of fitness does not mean that you are a personal fitness trainer.Become a personal trainer is only an occupation under the umbrella of business of fitness.Hay many other jobs as a director of a health club membership partner sales of fitness or even an instructor of aerobics. you can enjoy a fitness health club management career, or even a personal trainers.Or possibly strive to possess its own health club.

As you can see, there are many opportunities to benefit from careers in fitness.

Do you now what work fitness can fill your wallet more? in my opinion, owning your own business personal training, or health/fitness club takes premio.El follow-up by managers, Club membership sales, program managers, personal trainers, aerobics instructors.

Therefore, if you want a career fitness offering you the best return on investment would be owning their own business personal.Profesionales personal fitness training can earn anywhere from $ 40 per hour more than $ 100 time. It all depends on your location, skills, reputation, marketing and experience.

It is the best way to become a personal trainer take a personal training along with a business and marketing certification course based personal trainer training and training of wealth.

To ensure that you succeed in your new personal coaching career is important to get a basic education of fitness in anatomy, Physiology and marketing even.Even if it is employed as a personal trainer is important for the basic training of staff and skills of marketing business.Who have knowledge more sales and marketing in general fitness professionals make the most money.

If the personal training is your interest in a career fitness, I recommend that acquire as much information on business and marketing personnel training as possible.Its objective is to generate as many perspectives as possible that you get to the point of having to hire other professional fitness trainers.This is the point where you use your time in a higher income of fitness.

Highest income personal income instructors leverage your time wisely through the creation of additional such as starting a fitness boot camp, profit centers or through the development of a business publication gym.

Please note that the average salary of personal trainer is around $ 43,000.If training is your passion, you need to determine whether you want to make more than $ 43,000, or career fitness pays menos.La choice is suya.existen many excellent personal trainer courses available to help you have hard éxito.Su work and commitment will determine what enter income bracket.

Please understand that there is money to deal with personal fitness careers! now is the momento.Todo what you need to do is to get the best courses in personal training and fitness after for those who have already gained business model.

Therefore determine which direction you want to take your career fitness, learn from the best fitness courses, create a plan and follow it to the éxito.El sky is the limit!

Additional tip! one of the most effective to generate substantial revenue residual fitness, even while sleeping, ways is through the creation of information products of fitness and them línea.descubra marketing, step-by-step, how quickly and easily create a residual income career fitness even generates revenue when not working.

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How to get to know your fitness levels

A lot of people today is becoming very aware of health and they are also trying to establish appropriate weight. Fitness level also are becoming a matter of concern with a majority of people. They are giving up your sedentary lifestyle and everything possible to set things right as regards their suitability by. But what exactly is the fitness level? Your fitness level is your body’s ability to withstand fatigue during physical activity. The next question one ask is how to improve my fitness level? Many people have the idea wrong that must run for miles until you are exhausted to improve your fitness level and can do so without more. It can improve their fitness levels doing any physical activity you like. You can try good walking, jogging, swimming even for that matter of fact, or running. Any physical activity that you sweating a little perform regularly to start with for half an hour, and gradually progress in duration can improve their fitness levels.

The best way to increase your fitness level is to establish first proper weight. This will require to control their diet. Try and eat healthy and also avoid a large amount of sugars and carbohydrates in the diet. Try to make a detoxification at least twice per week. You can gradually start eating salad for dinner. For ingenuity, diet attempt to an incorporating a good exercise regimen.Do a job for at least an hour a day, and then gradually progress the calendario.Si you need to get a good physical fitness equipment and you can also join a gym where get a coach that guides you.

The next thing you need to do after you start working on your fitness level is to measure it. There are a series of aptitude tests available to test your fitness levels.Test your fitness level is very important, especially in regard to athletes are preocupados.Antes had to go to a hospital or take a media with a physical therapist for your fitness level marked in appropriate proficiency testing, but you can now test their own levels of fitness at home, using aptitude test software. Not much need to make the aptitude test in the home, all you need is a PC with Windows XP or later and the latest software from reviewer health aptitude test.

Aptitude test software comes in a package with control device that helps you measure your fitness level and also compared with other whoa re age and weight in the world. So that you can see exactly where you stand. Simply connect your device, to pulse sensor to your earlobe.In a matter of a minute, you will receive your levels of skill displayed.You can keep your aptitude test and compare their progreso.El software displays your fitness levels recorded in the last 6 months.Great, isn’t it? if you are really interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and increase your level of fitness, must obtain this software because it really helps.

Now you can measure levels of fitness at home using new software test aptitude salud.Este reviewer software helps you measure your fitness levels and also helps you compare it with other users worldwide.

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Review the Top 5 games of Wii – what One Really Burns the fat fitness!

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With the advent of the Nintendo Wii Fitness line of games, many couch potato gamers are finally becoming active without even realizing it.

But can someone who is seriously looking for a power packed, high cardio, and aerobics type workout really benefit from the Wii fit?

Well to be honest the first set of games the Nintendo Wii Fitness came out with will only give the serious workout freak a worm up routine, and that’s about it. For beginners its fine, for those who are just starting a exercise regiment its great, but for the advance fitness buff, it will be disappointing.

So the Nintendo Wii Fitness developer came up with the perfect solution and the answer to the advance fitness user. In recent months Wii Fit has evolved into a set of games offering the user a more intense cardio and strength training workout. Here is a brief over view of the top 5, starting with the least intense workout.

5) Wii Fit Bundle

The Wii Fit bundle package was the first set of games released in 2008, and as the name suggest was a group of games bundled together with the purchase of the Wii fitness gaming console. Depending on which bundle package you wanted, the system came with the controller, balance board and several games. The games ranged form Yoga, Pilates, Tennis, boxing, Balance games, skiing or ice boarding and other low impact, more gaming than workout activities.

These games are great for fun but would not do for a real calorie burn workout. SO I would give this 1 out of 5 for workout and 4 out of 5 for fun. A Total of 5 out of 10

4) Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2009

Most people by now should know who Jillian Michaels is, you may not know her name but if you ever watched the Biggest Loser reality TV series, she is the drill sergeant /personal trainer/motivational coach and the star of the show (personal opinion).

Based on the intensity of the character on the Biggest Loser, this game was disappointing and somewhat boring, the only reason I but it higher than the Wii fit is because the workout is more intense and you could really burn some calories with this game.

This game utilizes the balance board, the controller and Nunchuck for a good workout it has 4 Workout types, strength training, cardio, weight loss, stretches. The game allows you to track your progress and save your stats.

I did notice that the controller response time was annoyingly delayed and some of the instructions were not very clear so it was difficult at times getting my on screen character to move or replicate my movements. I think there are a few bugs in the software coding for this game that were not worked out before release.

Some of the games did kinda look like the Wii Fit games repackaged, also the only motivation the game gave you would be Jillian saying “Give It All You Got” which after a while became more annoying that motivating.

I did like the back ground workout music which was motivating and you could select from a wide variety of music styles. The squat exercise workout was great and will make you sweat.

This game will defiantly burn some calories, but I think you will become bored with this game sooner than later.

I give the Wii Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2009 game 3 out of 5 for workout and 2 out of 5 for fun. A total of 5 out of 10

3) Gold’s Gym Cardio Workout

Ok, this is the first of the Wii Fitness games to focus more on Cardio workout that mimics the workout you will get in a gym, hence the name.

With this game you will get a real workout. The game utilizes the Wii’s motion controls, the Balance board.

The highlight of this game is the TaeBo like boxing workout routine. This game seems to get the principle of running in place more accurately than the previous game. The sit-ups and jumping rope will give you a great workout. The Cardi Gold’s Gym Workout game keeps great record of your calorie burn and fitness progress, and will automatically increase the difficulty and intensity of your workout to suit.

So overall this is more responsive and offer non stop action for a great workout, the points system is great for motivation so I will give the Wii Gold’s Gym Cardio Workout game 3 ½ out of 5 for workout and 3 out of 5 for fun. A total of 6 1/2 out of 10.

2) My Fitness Coach

One of my favorite game, with over 500 different workout activities to choose from you will not soon get bored. This game is loads of fun and packs one heck of a workout!

The game will initially ask a series of detailed question to make sure you get off to the appropriate start, based on your fitness level.

Your Personal Virtual fitness coach will walk you through your workout, give pointers on improvements you need to make and motivate you every step of the way. The game will take you through a series of worm up flexibility routine, strength training, cardio, and other sports workout activity. The Game allows you to choose your duration of workouts and the days you wish to workout. It will keep track of your calendar and remind you of your workout days.

You can select your very own workout environment and background music, quite a few to choose form.

My Fitness Coach will plot your progress with impressive graphs and charts and recommend areas to work on to reach your goal. Completely customizable to meet your individual needs.

No Balance board is required for this game and I see why, you will be moving around a lot and the balance board would just get in the way.

Your workout can include Cardio, Upper and lower body training, Abs, Yoga and flexibility. I also like the fact that the game can include any small equipment you may already have such as a step platform, fitness ball, hand and ankle weight and a heart monitor. Finally start using those exercise equipment you have stored in the closet!

Maya your virtual coach, is a encouraging, reassuring trainer who adjust quickly to your needs.

She will from time to time ask you how you are feeling during workout routine. The choices are No Sweat, I Was Working Hard, and I Couldn’t Keep Up. Based on the selection you make to her question she will adjust the workout program to match your response, this is so cool.

I have to give the Wii My Fitness Coach 4 out of 5 for workout and 4 out of 5 for fun, a total of 8 out of 10.

1) The Wii EA Sports Active

My tops pick! It seems like every time Nintendo Wii Fitness comes out with a new game its better that the one before. Just released March 2009, this game is hot!

The EA Sports Active was created based on the training techniques of personal fitness trainer and expert Bob Green, personal trainer to the stars.

This Game delivers a combination of intense workout routines, power pack cardio, strength training, all combined together into a ever changing, extended circuit workout routine.

Specifically designed with women in mind (but I use it all the time) in order to work those common problem areas like buns, abs, inner and outer thighs, waistline, and arms.

This game will teach you about nutrition, lifestyle, and physical activity. This is the complete package here.

With the use of the Wii Remote and the Nunchuck controllers the workouts will move seamlessly from one activity to the next, all the while monitoring your progress and movements. The Sports Active also uses a unique Upper thigh pocket attachment to place the Nunchuck controller into; this will monitor your lower body movement like never before. You will receive real-time feedback from your on screen personal trainer.

Included with the EA Sports Active game is the resistance stretch band, designed to increase the intensity of strength training workout such as shoulder presses, bicep curls and lifts. The Wii Balance board is not included but the board is compatible with many EA SPORTS Active workouts.

Take the 30 Day Challenge with personalized 20 minute workouts routines based on your fitness level. The Circuits will change as you progress through your workout day.

The EA SPORTS Active will also track your calories and progress throughout your 30 Day Challenge.

The EA Sports Active gets 5 out of 5 for workout and 4 out of 5 for fun, a total of 9 out of 10, making it my top pick.

Stay Fit and healthy,

Steve Robertson

Steve Robertson Reviews popular fitness equipment and games that can help you reach your ultimate fitness goals. To see videos and live demo on the hottest Wii Fitness Games visit
You can also find out where to get the best deals on the Wii Fitness Games Mentioned above.

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Advice from a Podiatrist about connection shoes

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Shoe fitting may seem like such a simple task, but performing it correctly can be somewhat complicated. A proper fitting shoe is vital for comfort and for prevention of injury. This article will discuss the ways one can ensure that their shoe fits properly, and that the proper shoe is selected for one’s intended activity.

To begin, it should be known that the best places to purchase shoes are stores that provide staff who perform the fitting, and have a good working knowledge of their shoes. These types of stores vary by location, but a good rule of thumb is to avoid department stores and ‘big box’ shoe stores that require one to fit themselves. These stores also have limited size variations, despite having an enormous selection of different brands and styles. Shoe stores with clerks who have training and education in the brands they carry will be quite helpful in obtaining a properly fitting shoe. Although shoe sizes are more or less universal, they are simply meant as a guideline as different manufacturers and styles produce slight size variations that may not exactly match a stated size. A good shoe clerk should be aware of these differences.

Ensuring that one is wearing a proper shoe size for the foot length and width is vital for obtaining a good fit. One’s shoe size does not necessarily stay the same for their entire adult life. Factors such as swelling, progressive foot conditions like bunions, and general body girth can allow for an increase or decrease in the shoe size. Before each purchase, one should have their foot measured. Once again, this is best done by a shoe clerk. The measuring and fitting should be done at the end of the day, when one’s foot is expected to be at it’s greatest size if leg swelling is a factor, otherwise the purchased shoe may feel too tight at the end of the day. The measurement will take into account length (which produces the size number), as well as width. Width is a factor often ignored by people who fit themselves for shoes, as many big shoe stores do not carry many varieties of width. Those people will simply buy a shoe one-half to a full size larger to obtain the proper width. Unfortunately, this results in a shoe that is too long, and the foot will slide forward inside the shoe with every step. Proper width is very important, as it can prevent the shoe from rubbing and irritating the sides of the foot. This is especially important for those with conditions that lead to foot wounds from shoe rubbing, like diabetics. Any shoe purchased must be the proper size and width for the foot measured at the time of fitting, and the specific shoe purchased must be selected based on how it matches that sizing. If a particular brand or style is off in sizing, then an adjustment must be made away from the measured sizing to ensure a proper fit if that particular shoe is desired. Once again, this is best left for a shoe clerk to determine.

If one must fit them self, there are several ways to tell if a shoe fits properly. The first test is to ensure a proper length. In general, there should be a space the width of a thumbnail between the end of the big toe and the tip of the shoe. Anything more or less than this indicates that the shoe may be too long or short, respectively. The sides of the foot should not feel bunched in by the sides of the shoe. If there is overhang of the sides of the foot over the sole of the shoe, or if the foot pushes out the material of the shoe sides, then the shoe is too narrow. Fortunately, a shoe that is too wide is rarely a problem, since most people do not have excessively narrow feet. If one feels a little extra room in the ball of the foot when fitting a shoe, it should not be a problem. However, if the foot seems to slide around in the shoe despite proper length, this could indicate a foot that is unusually narrow. This type of foot should be fitted for a shoe by a professional to avoid injury. Another way to tell if a shoe fits properly is to walk around the store in it for at least several minutes. If the top of the shoe bunches into the top of the toes when the shoe bends, or if the heel slips out of the shoe when walking, then the shoe should not be purchased. Unfortunately, shoe sizing techniques do not take into account the variations in toe height and heel circumference that everyone has individually. These factors need to be taken into account when fitting a shoe, and one should ‘feel’ if the fit is proper.

One of the most important considerations in shoe fitting is comfort. Even if a shoe seems to fit well, and is sized properly, there can still be discomfort when wearing the shoe. The common assumption is that the shoe will be ‘broken into’. This should never be the case, as the shoe should fit right from the start. One should never have to ‘break-in’ a shoe. If the shoe does not feel comfortable from the start, one should not buy it.

The selection of a properly fitting shoe is key to foot comfort, but equally key is the selection of the proper style of shoe for the intended activity one will wear the shoe in. In general, shoes are constructed for specific activities. If one is going to wear a specific shoe for athletic purposes, or for general walking, then a proper athletic shoe should be selected. People participating in specific sports should select shoes designed for that sport’s specific activities (such as basketball shoes for basketball or running shoes for long distance running). Formal shoes and dress styles are preferred by many based on fashion or employment dress code, but are not a good choice for the foot if one must stand or walk for great length. This is especially true with high heeled and narrow women’s dress shoes, or narrow tip men’s slip-on dress shoes, as discomfort and injury can follow extended use. These types of shoes simply do not properly support the human foot. However, one can be fashionable without risking harm to their feet, as long as some common sense is employed, even despite the requirement of the business world to present oneself formally. Men should consider oxford-style dress shoes over slip-on loafers, and women should consider low heels and avoid excessively narrow or pointed toe shoes. These types of shoes will feel more comfortable and fit better over the course of the business day or a lengthy formal event.

One final note regarding the proper way to fit shoes has to do with the actual structure of the foot itself, beyond the proper size. Many people have variations in their foot structure that cause the foot arch to be lower or higher. These variations will lead to numerous foot injuries and strain if a shoe is not properly chosen for that particular foot type. In general, flat feet need wide-soled, stiff shoes to increase foot support, and high-arched feet need soft, cushioned shoes to better absorb the shock generated by walking. A visit to a podiatrist can help determine what one’s foot structural needs actually are if this is a concern.

The choice of a properly fitting shoe is vital to one’s comfort throughout the day, and is one of the most important choices one must make when purchasing clothing. By using the assistance of a knowledgeable shoe clerk, and by following the tips in this article, one can ensure their shoes will fit well and feel comfortable all day long.

Dr. Kilberg provides compassionate and complete foot and ankle care to adults and children in the Indianapolis area. He is board certified by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery, and is a member of the American Podiatric Medical Association. He enjoys providing comprehensive foot health information to the online community to help the public better understand their feet. Visit his practice website for more information.

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The final word on fitness for women

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When women are looking for a fitness program you know they’re not just looking to ‘get fit’. Anyone who understands women knows that they always have more than one reason for doing anything!

As women we want to get fit, but we also want to: lose weight, halt the effects of aging, improve our tone, improve our flexibility, look younger, be more attractive to the opposite sex and even more importantly help us look attractive enough to pass inspection by other women.

Know Why You Want to Be Fit and Make Goals

Before you start any fitness program you have to really decide that your goals are important enough to keep you motivated and overcome all the excuses you used in the past. Your fitness program must become one of those things that you do without question, like eating or brushing your teeth. Unless you are convinced of the benefits of your fitness program and that you want it enough to stay focused, and then want to avoid the risks you’ll face if you don’t use your fitness program properly, you won’t have any success.

Regardless if you feel that you are in good health or not, you should always see your physician before beginning any fitness program. A good fitness program will provide for vigorous exercise but involves minimal health risks for you if you are in good health or following a doctor’s advice.

A woman fitness program for your unique needs and wants will enable you to perform up to your true potential. A specific fitness program written for you will help you look, feel and do your best.

It will also give you the ability to perform daily tasks vigorously and alertly, with energy left over for enjoying leisure-time activities after you’ve finished with your daily fitness program.

As you start your exercise routine, it’s important to remember that fitness is an individual quality that varies from person to person. It is influenced by age, sex, heredity, personal habits, exercise and eating practices, so if you have someone you admire who is really fit and want to be like, make sure it is someone who is most like you, just like comparing apples with apples.

A good woman fitness program will help you to determine how often, how long and how hard you exercise and what kinds of exercises you do should be determined by what you are trying to accomplish. So decide beforehand what it is you most want out of your program, when your trainer is writing you program this is one of the first questions you will be asked.

What you do during your actual exercise sessions will also depend on your specific goals, your current fitness level, age, health, etc. However, don’t try to do too much too soon and don’t quit before you have a chance to experience the rewards. You can’t regain in a few days or weeks what you have lost in years of sedentary living, but you can get it back if you are consistent. Remember take baby steps and you will avoid ‘burning out’ before you really get going.

A Good Fitness Program Should Provide You With…

The following health benefits:
Increased efficiency of heart and lungs; Reduced cholesterol and triglyceride levels; Increase and maintain bone density to prevent osteoporosis; Reduced blood pressure; A reduced risk of cancer, including colon cancer, stroke, diabetes, heart attack, heart disease, and many other diseases and ailments; An improved sense of wellbeing; More energy; Less stress; An improved quality of sleep; Reduced stress levels; Improve your sexual performance and restore libido.

Did you know that to lose ½ kilogram of body fat each week through exercise, we need to burn off approximately 2,500 kilojoules (600 calories) extra each day? Based on this figure, the answer to how much exercise is easy: that amount of exercise which burns an extra 2,500 kilojoules (kJ) per day, or 16,000kJ per week.

So this means that the amount of exercise needed for a 100kg person (the amount of energy burned during exercise varies depending upon the body weight of the exerciser) to burn the total 16,000kJ per week equate to:
Approximately 10 hours of walking at 5kph (3mph) per week – or 90 minutes per day. Approximately 4 hours of jogging at 10kph (6mph) per week – or 35 minutes per day. Approximately 4½ hours of cycling at around 20kph (12mph) per week – or 40 minutes per day.

So, if the same 100kg person walked only three times a week for twenty minutes each time, they would only burn 1,500 kilojoules. That’s more than just a few short of the 16,000 needed isn’t it!

If you’re overweight, eating your usual amount of calories while increasing activity will see some good results, but eating fewer calories combined with good fitness program is even better.

Scientists have proven that calorie restricted diets extend life!**

It seems that when a woman limits her intake to 1000 calories a day and 1500 for a man they could extend their lives past 150 years and live well. According to this research the biomarkers of aging: cholesterol, fasting glucose and blood pressure can almost be reversed using this method. More scientific research is needed to qualify exactly why this seems to work and people are advised to take a cautious approach to strict dieting (especially with children and those with health challenges) , but the research is conclusive. (check it out for yourself online:; or

**Of course it goes without saying that we are not recommending you starve yourself, this is almost as bad as eating too much! And always consult your health professional first.

The only way you can increase your metabolism so your body burns more fat and have a nice firm, toned body is to use an good fitness program that includes variety and use that exercise routine consistently.

A lack of a consistent fitness program will cause your muscles to get soft, and if food intake is not decreased you will add body fat.

What Else Will A Good Fitness Program Do For Me?
Lose weight, easily & quickly – And Keep It Off! Improve your appearance and self-esteem; Tone & firm your muscles; Improve your posture & relieve back, shoulder & neck pain; Fit into the clothes you’ve always wanted to; Enhance your social life; Increased Stamina; Be the envy of all your friends; Have a lot more Free time to spend with family & friends; Save a lot of money!

Thinking about starting a new diet and fitness program is much harder than actually doing it. But once you do get started with an effective fitness program you’ll love the changes you’ll make in your body and get addicted to feeling and looking good. The main thing is to think about it as a lifestyle change, more in keeping with the person you have always known you are, deep down inside.

Some Final Thoughts…

You need to understand that there are no magic tricks, no shortcuts and no other way to improve your health and the way you look but with dedication, consistency and an effective program. It is also important to remember that if you feel that it is all just a chore, you will more than likely give up. So make it fun, and change not just your fitness habits, but your life outlook to include health and vitality right at the top of your list of priorities.

Go join a fitness centre today!

Be Fit! Be Well! …do it online at Wamuran Fitness & Wellbeing!

Annie Robinson has been a Natural Practitioner for over 20 years, she specializes in metabolic disorders and their core preventable solutions. She also holds a Masters in Coaching and NLP and a Grad Dip in Education (science and history). Her passionate belief in everyone’s ability to heal and manage all patterns of disease is her focus and her eBooks: “A Rainbow on My Plate” and “Sick, Tired and Overweight” (available on the Wamuran Fitness & Wellbeing website at: []) were written for all those who are failing in their search for a way to heal the modern fallout diseases from the modern epidemic of Metabolic Syndromes causes by Insulin Resistance (diabetes, heart disease, depression, PCOS, high blood pressure, obesity, and chronic fatigue. Annie can be contacted via the website:

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Fat Fighting Foods

Detailed information on the foods that burn fat. Excellent conversions for diet, weight loss and fitness niches.

Check it out!

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